





Bently Nevada* Asset Condition Monitoring


The 177230 Seismic Transmitter combines a reliable basic protection solution 

with the support and service of GE products. The transducer is a simple, looppowered device whose ease of installation and maintenance may reduce 

training and service costs. When integrated into the PLC or controls system of an 

overall plant asset condition monitoring solution, the transducer will help you 

better manage downtime, optimize maintenance planning, and avoid 

unforeseen catastrophic failures of machinery assets.

Features of the 177230 Seismic Transducer include:

� Ease of implementation and use

- Interfaces with PLCs and control systems (like DCS and 


- Provides a quick learning curve for operations and 

maintenance –through a familiar interface similar to that 

for connecting other PLC or control system inputs 

- Requires no field configuration or adjustments

- Needs few additional parts for a complete system

- Includes technical support for customers on how to 

monitor their equipment

- Includes self-test

- Incorporates protected interface

- Supports a variety of interface cables

� Data Quality

- Provides accurate and repeatable data 

- Uses simple data format 

- Provides raw vibration signal for verification and analysis

� EHS Compliant

- Implements safe and ergonomic design

- Supports access to hazardous areas

� Incorporates robust CM design for reliability

� Implements Industry standard 4 to 20mA loop-powered transmitter

美国BENTLY TK81可调滤波器/振动计

美国BENTLY TK81可调滤波器/振动计是低成本的、便携手持式仪表,用于基本的振动测量。它能以非滤波(通频)和滤波模式显示振动。它接收位移、速度和加速度传感器的输入,但是不能为它们提供电源。 它的滤波功能对于诊断发生在各种类型的机器上的特殊频率的振动问题非常有效。美国BENTLY TK81由一个9伏晶体管电池供电。


美国BENTLY 3300 XL 8 mm电涡流传感器系统

美国BENTLY 3300XL 8mm这种电涡流传感器系统提供**80 mils (2 mm)线性范围和200 mV/mil的输出。 它在大多数机械监测应用中用于径向振动、轴向(侧向)位移、转速和相位(Keyphasor )测量, 并符合美国**协会标准670第4版的要求。有多种螺纹尺寸、探头配置和安装附件可供选择。



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