厦门恩莱自动化科技有限公司,是由拥有自主知识产权、雄厚的技术研发实力和团队、在自动化行业辛勤耕耘十数年以上的企业和人士发起组建的高新技术企业。 快速的市场反应、多品种产品、柔性化设计与有效的服务、互惠合作共创价值的理念,视客户为合作者并通过客户将市场对产品要求的压力传递,使公司的机制始终保持让客户满意为较优先追求的激活状态,在设计选型、解决方案、售前售后咨询及服务,开展高层度的合作,结为利益共同体,以各自的优势,取得双方共赢! Xiamen Enlai Automation Technology Co.,Ltd, is a hi-tech enterprise with strong develop ability and united team, all our members has over a decade working experience in this automation feild. Fast market respond, multiple products, soft design, the theory of effective service and mutual benefit, taking customer co-operator and delivering market demands make the company’s mechanism being activated for customer’s satisfiction on design selection, solution, consultation and service before or after sales, and implement deep cooperation with customers to be benefit community and gain double win with respective advantages.