佛山市伟箔铝箔制品模具机械厂是有经验从事铝箔制品模具及机械的高科技型企业,是集铝箔制品模具和机械的研发、制造、销售和服务于一体的有经验厂家。 企业拥有先进高等的生产加工设备和雄厚的技术实力,拥有多名机械工程师、电气工程师、模具工程师等多种有经验技术人才,且主要技术人员有着十几年行业理论和实践经验。结合多年来对铝箔制品机械和模具的深入研究,同时为了满足广大客户的需求,我们先后不断开发和制造数百种不同规格的铝箔制品模具和本行业中较为先进的铝箔制品生产线。该生产线均采用较先进的数控技术,利用单片机或PLC电脑控制,人机界面集中操作和监控,集自动送料、自动上油、自动计数、自动冲压成型、自动排废、自动收集于一体地的全自动智能化傻瓜式生产线。该生产线具有结构和工艺先进合理、性能稳定、速度快、效率高、废品低、操作简便、安全可靠、外形美观大方等特点,性价比堪称高等。 正因为如此,我们的产品远销美国、英国、阿尔及利亚、土耳其、利比亚、沙特阿拉伯、巴勒斯坦、印度等20多个国家,同时在国内外和本行业中享有很高的荣誉和知名度。品质源于有经验和创新。我们本着专注前沿科技、力求技术创新优异为发展理念,追求优越、创造无缺为发展宗旨,竭诚为广大可户提供一站式服务。未来的伟箔,我们衷心希望在铝箔制品行业中为您如虎添翼,与您企业一起发展,共创双赢,开拓美好蓝图! Foshan WeiBo Aluminium foil products mould machinery factory is a high-tech enterprise specializing in design,manufacture,distribution and service of alum foil product,mould and production machine. Our factory has advanced production equipments and strong technique support by the professional engineer team with over decade industry theories and practice experiences. Combining the deep research of the alum foil machines and moulds with meeting the demand of different customers,we continually manufacture hundreds types of moulds and advanced alum foil production line. The production line is the automatic intelligentized machine using the most advanced digital technology by SCM or PLC control system to work and supervise the automatic feed-in,lubricating,counting,pressed molding and collection.And it has the rational configuration and technics,stable performance,high speed,high efficiency,less waster,easily control, reliable security,good figuration and the best price which enable our machines and products being sold to America,the U.K.,Algeria,Turkey, Libya,Saudi Arabi,Palestine,India and etc with outstanding and famous in domestic and abroad. The quality is rooted profession and innovation,so we focus on cutting-edge technology and technical innovation as our developed principle,and persue excellence and create perfect as our developed purpose to provide one-stop service to our customers. In the future of WeiBo,we sincerely hope cooperate with you and your esteem company like a tiger with wings for developing and building the bright future together.