


     苏州联茂新材料有限公司,是一家集研发、生产、销售、服务于一体的高新技术企业。公司成立至今,一直秉持自主研发、不断创新的理念为客户提供较优异的服务。 公司主要经营产品:铝塑复合袋、纸塑包装袋、气泡缓冲袋、方底/圆底/异型立体袋、各类气泡复合袋、食品包装袋和淋膜加工。“立足创新、专注质量、诚信服务、真诚合作、共同发展”是我们始终如一的追求,为客户提供优异、安全、可靠地产品是我们永恒的方针。我们将不断超越自我,一如既往的为客户提供较优异的产品和服务。 苏州联茂新材料有限公司热诚欢迎您的咨询和指导,期待与您的真诚合作!        Suzhou New Material Co., Ltd., is a research and development, production, sales and service in one of the high-tech enterprises. Since the establishment of the company, has been uphold the concept of independent research and development, continuous innovation to provide customers with the best quality service. Company main products: plastic composite bag, plastic packing bag, bubble bag, square bottom buffer / round bottom / special solid bag, all kinds of bubble composite bags, food packaging bags and film processing. "Based on innovation, focus on quality, integrity service, sincere cooperation and common development" is our consistent pursuit, to provide customers with quality, safe and reliable products is our eternal policy. We will continue to go beyond the self, as always, to provide customers with the best quality products and services. Suzhou New Material Co., Ltd. is dedicated to welcome your advice and guidance, look forward to working with you in good faith!

